A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Coral Springs Improvement District was held on Monday, June 16, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. at the District Office, 10300 NW 11th Manor, Coral Springs, Florida. 


            Present and constituting a quorum were:


            Martin Shank                                                  President

            Theodore Mena                                               Vice President

            Duane Holland                                                Secretary


            Also present were:


            Kenneth Cassel                                               District Manager

            William Capko                                                District Counsel

            Dan Daly                                                         Director of Operations

            Kay Holmes                                                    District Accountant

            Troy Lyn                                                         District Engineer

            Jan Zilmer                                                       Human Resources

            Ed Stover                                                        Water Department

            Joe Stephens                                                   Water Department

            David McIntosh                                              Wastewater Department

            Steve Seigfried                                               Field Superintendent

            Shawn Frankenhauser                                     Drainage

            Gloria Lauer                                                    Resident


            The following is a summary of the minutes and actions taken during the June 16, 2014 CSID Board of Supervisors Meeting.                                      


FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Roll Call

            Mr. Cassel called the meeting to order and called the roll.


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Approval of the Minutes of the May 19, 2014 Meeting

            Mr. Shank stated each Board member received a copy of the minutes of the May 19, 2014 meeting and requested any corrections, additions or deletions.

            There not being any,


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the minutes of the May 19, 2014 meeting were approved.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS                            Audience Comments

            There not being any, the next item followed.


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Consideration of Fence Encroachment Agreement

            The Board reviewed a request from Ms. Lauer to encroach into the District easement. 


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor an encroachment removal agreement for 10160 Vestal Court was approved.


FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Consideration of Work Authorizations

A.                Work Authorization #92 for Design Build Services Related to Raw Water Quality Fouling of Sand Strainer/Cartridge Filter Evaluation

            Mr. Lyn reviewed Work Authorization #92 for design build services related to raw water quality fouling of sand strainer and cartridge filter evaluation.


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor Work Authorization #92 was approved with the exception of Task 1 in Attachment A.


B.                 Work Authorization #93 for Design and Permitting for the Relocation of Well #4 and Well #7

            Mr. Lyn reviewed Work Authorization #93 for design and permitting for relocation of Well #4 and Well #7.           


On MOTION by Mr. Holland seconded by Mr. Mena with all in favor Work Authorization #93 was approved for a total amount of $54,440.


SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Consideration of Resolution 2014-4 Outlining Travel Expenses

            The Board reviewed Resolution 2014-4, outlining the policy for travel expenses.


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor Resolution 2014-4 was adopted. 






SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                      Staff Reports

A.                Manager – Ken Cassel

            Mr. Cassel reported the following:

·         Weekley Asphalt finished grading the area located on the southeast corner of the property and it is draining properly now.  It will be seeded within the next week.

·         He sent an email clarifying Landowner Elections will be held next year. 


            B.        Engineer – Troy Lyn (Report Included)

            Mr. Lyn Reviewed the Project Status Report, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of the public record. 

o   Rehabilitation of Well #11 concluded.  The specific capacity increased from 13 to 22 gpm, which allows the well to be operated at the rate they would like to operate the pump, which is 750 gpm.  He would like to keep Well #11 as a baseline.  Additional information will be provided by Layne Drilling before rehabilitation decisions are made for Well #6.

o   The above ground fuel tank is in the permitting process and is waiting he Building Department’s review. 

o   The design for the canal bank stabilization project is expected to be complete this week for staff to review. 

o   Well #6 wellhead improvements are in permitting with the Building and Health Departments. 


C.        Department Reports

·         Operations – Dan Daly

Ø  Utility Billing Work Orders

            The above items are for informational purposes only.  Mr. Daly reported the following:

o   Staff is working on a new fee schedule for reconnection fees and will bring it back to the Board for consideration.

o   He is resolving issues with the new meters.


·         Water – Ed Stover

            Mr. Stover reported there was a power surge on Friday that knocked out Wells #2 and #3.  Well #2 was reset, but the motor for Well #3 was damaged.  The motor will be replaced this week.

            Mr. Stephens provided an update on cartridge filters purchased by American Water Chemicals.  They had plastic in them, which had to be removed.  As a result, American Water Chemicals is giving the District $4,600 worth of filters at no cost.  Another distributor will be providing free test filters.


·         Sewer – David McIntosh

            A copy of the report was included in the agenda package and is attached hereto as part of the public record.


·         Stormwater – Randy Frederick

            A copy of the report was included in the agenda package and is attached hereto as part of the public record.


·         Field – Stephen Seigfried (Water Break Report)

            A copy of the report was included in the agenda package and is attached hereto as part of the public record.


·         Human Resources – Jan Zilmer

            Mr. Zilmer will meet with the District’s insurance broker to discuss health insurance rates.  Mr. Shank would like to be in attendance. 

            There was discussion regarding review and modification of District policies. 


·         Motion to Accept Department Reports


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Shank with all in favor the department reports were accepted.


D.        Attorney

            Mr. Capko reported he is working on the temporary access and easement agreement with Eagle Trace for the canal bank stabilization project.  He is also reviewing and will provide comments on the draft easement documents for Wells #4 and #7. 


EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                         Approval of Financial Statements for May 2014

            There being no questions or comments, 


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the financials were approved. 


NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                            Supervisors’ Request

            The following was discussed:

·         Mr. Holland asked if there was any publicity regarding the District’s Passive Park.  There was not, but the park rules sign was posted. 

·         Mr. Mena asked for an update on correspondence with the City regarding access to District property.  Mr. Cassel did not receive additional correspondence with regard to a list of people who have the key and their written policy. 

·         Mr. Mena spoke with Mr. Donmez who indicated the only people who have access to the lock box key are the police and fire departments.  Code Enforcement does not have access to the key, but the Code Enforcement Manager does because he used to be in the Land Development Department.  He was ensured by the City this issue has been resolved. 


TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                           Adjournment

            There being no further business,


On MOTION by Mr. Mena seconded by Mr. Holland with all in favor the meeting was adjourned. 





Kenneth Cassel                                               Martin Shank

Assistant Secretary                                         President